Present Perfect Passive with Its Uses

 What is Present Perfect Passive? Explained with Its Structure, Uses and Examples

The present perfect passive is a verb tense that is used to describe an action that was completed at some point in the past, but the focus is on the result of the action rather than the action itself or the agent performing the action.

VERB: 3rd Form of Verb

Helping Verb:  Has been, Have been

Structure of Sentence:

1) Simple: Subject + helping verb + verb + by + the actor

2) Negative: Subject + helping verb + not + verb + by + the actor

3) Interrogative: Helping verb + subject + verb + by + the actor

4) Negative Interrogative: Helping verb + subject + not + verb + by + the actor


For Example:


1. The cake has been eaten. (The focus is on the result of the action, not the agent who performed the action.)


Uses of Present Perfect Passive:


The present perfect passive is often used to describe actions that have been completed recently, but the time at which they were completed is not specified.


1. It can also be used to describe actions that were completed at an indefinite point in the past, such as "The letter has been written."




1. The pie has been baked. (The pie is ready to eat.)

2. The grass has been cut. (The grass is short.)

3. The window has been cleaned. (The window is clean.)

Arslan Inayat

This is me Arslan Inayat, on this blog I am going to share information about IELTS, PTE, English Grammar, English Literature and Linguistics

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