Past Continuous Passive and Its Uses


What is Past Continuous Passive? Explained with it Uses, Structure and Examples

The Past Continuous Passive is a verb tense that is used to describe actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or currently in progress. In this tense, the subject of the sentence is the recipient of the action, and the verb is conjugated to be in the passive voice.

VERB: 3rd Form of Verb

Helping Verb:  was being, were being

Structure of Sentence:

1) Simple: Subject + helping verb + verb + by + the actor

2) Negative: Subject + helping verb + not + verb + by + the actor

3) Interrogative: Helping verb + subject + verb + by + the actor

4) Negative Interrogative: Helping verb + subject + not + verb + by + the actor

Here is an example of a sentence in the present continuous passive:


"The letter was being delivered right now."


In this sentence, the subject is "the letter" and the verb is "was being delivered." The verb is conjugated in the passive voice, which means that the subject receives the action rather than performing it.

For Example:


"The house was being cleaned right now." (Subject: "the house"; auxiliary verb: "was"; being: "being"; past participle of main verb: "cleaned")


"The cake was being baked in the kitchen." (Subject: "the cake"; auxiliary verb: "was"; being: "being"; past participle of main verb: "baked")


There are several uses of the present continuous passive. Here are a few:

1) To describe actions which are happening at the moment of speaking or currently in progress: "The garbage was being collected right now."


2) To describe actions that are being performed by an unknown or unspecified person or thing at the moment of speaking: "The window was being opened right now."

3)To make the subject of the sentence more prominent or important: "The award-winning novel was being written by a young author."

4) To create a formal or impersonal tone: "The decision was being made by the board of directors."

5) To emphasize the action rather than the doer of the action: "The experiment was being conducted carefully."

6) To describe processes or systems that are ongoing or automatic at the moment of speaking: "The mail was being sorted and delivered by the postal service."

Arslan Inayat

This is me Arslan Inayat, on this blog I am going to share information about IELTS, PTE, English Grammar, English Literature and Linguistics

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