What are Active Voice Tenses in English Grammar

 What are Active Voice Tenses in English Grammar

In English grammar, the active voice refers to a sentence construction in which the subject performs the action expressed by the verb. This contrasts with the passive voice, in which the subject is the recipient of the action.


There are several tenses in English that can be used in the active voice:

 1.  Present simple: The cat catches the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" is performing the action "catches.")

2. Present continuous: The cat is catching the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" is performing the action "catching" in the present moment.)

3. Present perfect: The cat has caught the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" has completed the action "caught" at some point in the past.)

4. Past simple: The cat caught the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" performed the action "caught" at a specific time in the past.)

5. Past continuous: The cat was catching the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" was performing the action "catching" at a specific time in the past.)

6. Past perfect: The cat had caught the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" had completed the action "caught" at some point before a specific time in the past.)

7. Future simple: The cat will catch the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" will perform the action "catch" at some point in the future.)

8. Future continuous: The cat will be catching the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" will be performing the action "catching" at some point in the future.)

9. Future perfect: The cat will have caught the mouse. (In this sentence, the subject "cat" will have completed the action "caught" at some point before a specific time in the future.)

It's important to note that some of these tenses can also be used in the passive voice, in which the subject is the recipient of the action rather than the performer. For example, the sentence "The mouse was caught by the cat" is written in the past simple tense in the passive voice

Arslan Inayat

This is me Arslan Inayat, on this blog I am going to share information about IELTS, PTE, English Grammar, English Literature and Linguistics


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