Thirty Most Common Idioms about Social Life


Thirty Most Common Idioms about Social Life

1) "to have a ball" - to have a lot of fun. 

Example: "I had a ball at the party last night."

2) "to be the life of the party" - to be the most fun person at a party. 

Example: "John is always the life of the party."

3) "to be in the same boat" - to be in the same situation as someone else. 

Example: "We're both struggling with this project, we're in the same boat."

4) "to be in good company" - to be with respected or admired people. 

Example: "I felt honored to be in good company with all the accomplished scientists at the conference."

5) "to be on the same wavelength" - to understand and agree with someone. 

Example: "We're on the same wavelength, we both want to start a business."

6) "to be two peas in a pod" - to be very similar to someone. 

Example: "My sister and I are two peas in a pod, we have the same interests."

7) "to be the belle of the ball" - to be the most popular or attractive person at an event. 

Example: "She was the belle of the ball at the prom."

8) "to be the black sheep of the family" - to be the outcast or the odd one out in a group. 

Example: "He's always been the black sheep of the family, he's never fit in."

9) "to be the breadwinner" - to be the primary financial provider for a family. 

Example: "As the breadwinner, he feels a lot of pressure to provide for his family."

10) "to be the center of attention" - to be the focus of attention. 

Example: "She loves to be the center of attention in any situation."

11) "to be the life and soul of the party" - to be the most lively and entertaining person at a party. 

Example: "He's the life and soul of the party, always making people laugh."

12) "to be the odd man out" - to be the only person not included in a group or activity. 

Example: "I felt like the odd man out when I wasn't invited to the meeting."

13) "to be the talk of the town" - to be the topic of conversation among many people. 

Example: "Their new restaurant has been the talk of the town since it opened."

14) "to be the third wheel" - to be the extra person in a romantic situation. 

Example: "I felt like the third wheel when my friends went on a date."

15) "to be thick as thieves" - to be very close friends. 

Example: "They've been thick as thieves since childhood."

16) "to be tight-lipped" - to be unwilling to share information. 

Example: "He's always tight-lipped about his personal life."

17) "to be tongue-tied" - to be unable to speak due to nervousness or embarrassment. 

Example: "I was so nervous, I was tongue-tied during the presentation."

18) "to be top dog" - to be the most powerful or successful person in a group. 

Example: "He's the top dog in the company."

19) "to be two-faced" - to be insincere or hypocritical. 

Example: "I don't trust her, she's two-faced."

20) "to be under the weather" - to be sick or unwell. 

Example: "I'm feeling a bit under the weather today."

21) "to be a party pooper" - to ruin the fun for others. 

Example: "Don't be a party pooper, join in the fun."

22) "to be a social butterfly" - to be outgoing and enjoy socializing. 

Example: "She's such a social butterfly, always going to parties and events."

23) "to be a wallflower" - to be shy and not participate in social activities. 

Example: "He's always been a wallflower at parties, he never talks to anyone."

24) "to be a people person" - to enjoy being around and interacting with other people. 

Example: "She's a real people person, she always makes friends easily."

25) "to be a loner" - to prefer to be alone and not socialize. 

Example: "He's a bit of a loner, he doesn't have many friends."

26) "to be a joiner" - to be someone who likes to join clubs, organizations, or groups. 

Example: "He's a real joiner, he's always signing up for something new."

27) "to be a social climber" - to try to move up in social status. 

Example: "She's a bit of a social climber, always trying to associate with the wealthy and powerful."

28) "to be a backstabber" - to betray or harm someone who trusts you. 

Example: "Watch out for her, she's a backstabber


Arslan Inayat

This is me Arslan Inayat, on this blog I am going to share information about IELTS, PTE, English Grammar, English Literature and Linguistics

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