What are Parts of Speech in English Grammar

 What are Parts of Speech in English Grammar

In English grammar, the term "parts of speech" refers to the categorization of words based on their function in a sentence. There are eight main parts of speech:

Here are all the parts of speech with definitions:


Nouns: Nouns are words that refer to people, places, things, or ideas. For example: cat, city, happiness, democracy

Pronouns: Pronouns are words that stand in place of a noun. For example: he, she, it, them

Verbs: Verbs express action or state of being. For example: run, be, think

Adjectives: Adjectives describe or modify nouns. For example: happy, red, big

Adverbs: Adverbs describe or modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. For example: quickly, very, almost

Prepositions: Prepositions show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. For example: in, on, under

Conjunctions: Conjunctions join clauses or phrases. For example: and, but, or

Interjections: Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotion. For example: wow, ouch, yuck

Here are some examples to illustrate the different parts of speech in action:


  1. The cat (noun) chased (verb) the mouse (noun) under (preposition) the table (noun).
  3. She (pronoun) is (verb) a doctor (noun).
  5. The happy (adjective) dog (noun) barked (verb) loudly (adverb).
  7. I (pronoun) can't (verb) believe (verb) it (pronoun). Wow (interjection)!
  9. It (pronoun) rained (verb) all day (adverb), but (conjunction) I (pronoun) had (verb) a great time (noun).

Arslan Inayat

This is me Arslan Inayat, on this blog I am going to share information about IELTS, PTE, English Grammar, English Literature and Linguistics

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